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Strühm  |  SKU: 03938  |  EAN koda: 5901477339387

Solar garden SOPLA LED L

€1,49 EUR

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Illuminate your outdoor space with this stylish solar garden lamp, designed to enhance your garden or patio area with enchanting lighting. This sleek black luminaire features a cool white LED light source that delivers a luminous flux of 1 lm with a generous distribution angle of 120°. Crafted from durable plastic, it stands at an impressive height and is perfect for any garden setting. With its efficient rechargeable battery, you can enjoy up to 6 hours of captivating illumination, making it an ideal choice for evening gatherings or quiet nights under the stars.

Features & Benefits:

  • Solar Powered: Harness the power of the sun with this eco-friendly and cost-effective lighting solution.
  • Cool White Light Source: The bright LED provides a refreshing cool white glow, enhancing the ambiance of your outdoor environment.
  • Durable Design: Constructed from high-quality plastic, this lamp is built to withstand the elements, ensuring long-lasting use.
  • Rechargeable Battery: Enjoy the convenience of a rechargeable battery that allows for easy portability and up to 6 hours of illumination.

Technical Specifications:

  • Type: Solar LED luminaire
  • Power Supply: DC 1.2 V 1 x AAA 100 mAh NI - MH
  • Power: 0.06 W
  • Material: Plastic
  • Light Color: Cool White
  • Type of Light Source: LED, included
  • Luminous Flux: 1 lm
  • Luminous Flux Distribution Angle: 120°
  • Height: 360 mm
  • Width: 55 mm
  • Depth: 55 mm

Benefits of Using This Solar Garden Lamp:

  • Eco-friendly design helps reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Durable construction ensures long-lasting performance.
  • Rechargeable battery allows for easy installation and portability.

Transform your outdoor area into a beautifully lit oasis with this energy-efficient lighting solution, perfect for any garden enthusiast.


  • Prilagajanje smeri osvetlitve
  • Kot snopa
  • Upodabljanje barv - CRI
  • Barvna temperatura - Kelvin
  • Barva
  • Barva svetlobe
    cold white
  • Zatemnjen
  • Globina - mm
  • Višina - mm
  • Življenjska doba - h
  • Vir svetlobe
  • Svetlobni tok - lm
  • Material
  • Certificiranje CE

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